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5 minutes with …. Jeni Reeves

November 7, 2023|Staff

Introducing …. Jeni Reeves, Operations Executive Please tell us a little bit about yourself My love of travel started with camping trips in Germany (rain and slugs featured highly!), and went on to studying modern languages at university, working as a waitress in Switzerland, teaching English in Japan, and finally working for a cultural cruise […]

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How to successfully prepare for a charity walk (part 2)

October 23, 2023|Advice and support

In our last post we have looked at the importance of preparation for your charity walk and the fundraising strategies you could use to raise money for your favourite cause.  To finish off this series, we are covering staying motivated, nutrition and hydration and looking at how getting these right can make your walk the […]

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5 minutes with …. Ruhubia Akbor

October 2, 2023|Staff

Introducing …. Ruhubia Akbor, Brand & Marketing Manager Please tell us a little bit about yourself I’m the Brand and Marketing Manager at Different Travel primarily helping our charities plan and promote their challenges to ensure that we can help spread the word to their supporters and get them ready for the next big adventure. […]

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Conquer the Challenge: How to Successfully Prepare for a Charity Walk (Part 1)

September 25, 2023|Advice and support

Are you prepared to take on the challenge and make a difference in your community? Joining a charity walk is an excellent way to support a cause you care about and challenge yourself both physically and mentally. However, preparing for a charity walk requires more than just putting on your boots and walking. In this series […]

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5 minutes with …. Paul MacDonald

September 1, 2023|Staff

Introducing …. Paul MacDonald, Tour Manager.  Paul was our Tour Manager on Everest Base Camp earlier in the year. Please tell us a little bit about yourself I retired from Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Service in 2019 after 30 years service. Then went backpacking in South East Asia, travelling throughout six countries in three months. […]

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Fundraising ideas – Top 5 things you can do to raise money

August 21, 2023|Advice and support

Hooray! You have signed up for an exciting fundraising challenge. But where do you start? When faced with a seemingly huge target it is easy to become overwhelmed and concerned about hitting the goal. But with a bit of strategy and planning you should soon see those pounds come rolling in! Planning fun events for […]

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5 minutes with … Jill Hopkins

August 7, 2023|Staff

Introducing …. Jill Hopkins, Business Development Please tell us a little bit about yourself I live in Chichester and enjoy living on the coast – the best of both worlds. I love travel – of course – and have been lucky enough to travel all over the world as part of my work. I, personally, […]

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Different Travel – from humble beginnings

July 27, 2023|Being Different

2025 will mark 20 years of The Different Travel Company. Recorded during lockdown in 2021, join Sarah, Jill and Ruhubia as they muse over the beginnings of the business and what prompted the growth of a business that supports charities in their fundraising efforts. As we are already seeing bookings and plans for 2025 charity […]

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5 minutes with …. Kevin Mundy

July 10, 2023|Staff

Introducing …. Kevin Mundy, Tour Manager. Kevin has recently come back from managing one of our trips to the Sahara!! Please tell us a little bit about yourself I worked in education for 35 years including working in Japan and Turkey. I have always enjoyed visiting new places in the UK and abroad. I am […]

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Taking care of your kit

June 19, 2023|Top travel tips|Advice and support

Taking care of your kit is just as important as taking care of yourself – both in the lead-up and after your trek. Why? Chances are you have spent a good bit of money planning what you need to take with you and you want to be sure you can use for years to come. […]

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